Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Seekersguidance.org (Page 137)

Answers indexed from: Seekersguidance.org

Do I Have to Place My Nose on the Floor When Praying?

What Is the Legal Reason for Interest According to the Hanafi School?

Should I Shorten My Prayers in a Plane That Has Landed?

Should All Family Members Abstain from Shaving Before the Slaughter of the Animal?

Animals Are Very Expensive in My Country. What Should I Do for My Ritual Sacrifice?

What Job Opportunities Can I Pursue After Finishing My Islamic Studies?

How Can I Make up Several Years of Prayers Despite Being Very Busy?

Can I Donate the Reward of a Voluntary Fast to Another Person?

Should I Pay Zakat on Investments I Have Made?

Does Magnesium Stearate Found in Makeup Make It Impure?

What Is the Islamic View on the Recent Gold Investments (Dubai Gold Souk…)?

Should I Pursue a Career Using an Engineering Degree Earned While Being Sinful?

Was My Fast Valid?

Can My Wife Divorce Me Without My Agreement?

Is It Valid for a Hanafi to Pray Behind a Shafi’i Joining Prayers?