Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftisays.com (Page 52)

Answers indexed from: Muftisays.com

What are the limits for attending non-Muslim funerals and giving condolences to the bereaved?

Is covering the face (niqaab) obligatory (fardh) or recommended (sunnah) in Islam?

Can Nivea be used?

Can I perform wudhu while treating my scalp with a solution that should not be touched by water?

Is a secret marriage without a written contract, Haq Mahr, and wahli valid in Islam?

Does hijab include niqab and which Quranic verses mention face covering for women?

Is a nikah without a mehram but with two witnesses valid?

Is a nikah without a wali valid if the groom is Shafi’ee and the bride is Hanafi?

Can a couple marry over the phone and can non-Muslims be witnesses at a nikah?

Can a Sunni man marry a Shia girl with a Shia nikah and is it valid?

Can a boy and girl have nikah to avoid sin and delay widaa/walima until after studies?

Is a phone nikah valid without known maulvi and witnesses?

Why do women wear black nikab in hot weather?

What happens to a girl’s second marriage if she already made nikah with someone else?

Is it prohibited to remove hair during nifaas and why is it makrooh?