Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftisays.com (Page 22)

Answers indexed from: Muftisays.com

Should I listen to my husband who thinks I don’t need a car to be close to nature?

Is Tizer soft drink halal?

Are UK Tic Tacs Halal?

Can I still use favors with haraam Tic Tac inside for my sister’s wedding?

Permissibility of thinking about non-mahram girl before marriage with parental permission?

Does thinking of Prophet Mohammed during namaz break it?

Does using skincare products with alcohol require redoing wudhu before salah?

Is there a genuine hadith about women using henna on their feet?

How can I increase beard growth and what dua can help?

What does the repeated use of ‘We’ in the Quran mean?

Can we wear a baby sling during Umrah in Ihram with uncovered shoulders?

How can sisters connect with Allah and His Beloved through the company of a wali ullah?

Does reciting certain verses improve mental function?

What are the punishments of hell and rewards of Jannah for believers?

What should be covered with hijab and is face covering obligatory in shariyah?