Home » Hanafi Fiqh » IslamicPortal.co.uk (Page 42)

Answers indexed from: IslamicPortal.co.uk

Performing Salah in room with facial drawings on display

Performing Hajj with borrowed money

Performing Maghrib at end time

Performing Nafl Salah in the same place of performing Fard Salah

Performing Salah in clothes with facial imagery

Passing Miqat without Ihram

Peeping into keyhole or window before permission to enter

Performed Dhuhr Salah but did not know time had finished

Performing Dhuhr Salah behind someone performing Asr Salah

Performing Ghusl after Maghrib in the final ten nights of Ramadan

Number of Zahir al-Riwayah books and al-Kafi

One or two Qada for breaking Ramadan Qada fast

One or two Salam in Janazah Salah

Online Forex Trading

Passing a distant miqat and an adjacent point of a closer miqat