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Answers indexed from: Fatwa.ca

Giving Talaq in an inaudible manner ; Having a doubt whether one gave Talaq or not

I wanted to know if investing with Uinvest Halal?

There is a Smartphone app for iPhone and Android called GymPact. Is it permissible to use?

Further clarification on 8 year old girl trimming hair for growth.

How do we get out of debts?

Can women trim or cut their hair?

A sister is being abused in her marriage. She wishes to come out of the nikah. What are her options?

Is it Permissible to sell Wigs, Fake nails, Sculptures

Do I entertain the guest or do I excuse myself and engage in my awrad?

Is it sufficient that wife stands on the left of the husband (the imam) at a distance?

Working on IVR Engine Software for multiple clients etc.

What is the sharia position on buying and selling life insurance policies. How about benefiting from them?

How does one make niyah for I’tikaf? What wordings can I use?

I am confused about when do I go for I’tikaf in my masjid? 19th night or 20th day?

I want to make a sale at cash $2000 but the buyer says that he will pay credit after 2 months. If I ask him to pay 2200 will it be counted as interest(riba)?