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Answers indexed from: Darulfiqh.com

Is Qurbani valid if at the time of purchasing it the price was unknown?

Can Tahiyyatul Wudu be performed any time after making Wudu?

Is my Orange phone contract Shari’ah Compliant?

Can BioGeometry be used by a person suffering from severe eczema?

I am considering starting a cake business and wanted to know the Islamic ruling on whether I can sell birthday cakes?

Many people quote a narration “If it wasn’t for the Prophet, Allah would not have created the universe.” Is this a hadith?

Is it permissible to kiss the Mushaf?

Is it kufr (disbelief) to reject Ijma’?

Can interest money be used to pay parking fines?

Miscellaneous Rulings of Takbirat al-Tashriq

Does a miscarriage terminate iddah?

Will a Rotahaler break the fast?

What is the authenticity of the story of Sayyiduna Bilal returning to Madinah after the Prophet’s demise & calling athan?

What is the ruling of deferred change after purchasing an item?

How old do animals need to be when slaughtering for an Aqiqah?