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Answers with Tag: SALAH

How can I offer namaz with madhi discharge & penis weakness without seeing a doctor?

Is it permissible to pray Jumuah if Eid falls on a Friday?

Is it permissible to pray Isha and tarawih at home in a jamah while a mosque is nearby?

Tarawih Salah: Permissible for Women in Adjacent House or Basement?

How can my 68-yr-old mother make up for missed prayers & leftover prayers if her health is poor?

Did Imam’s salah complete without sajdah sahv, or must he repeat it?

Can a handicapped person, who sits on a chair, lead Jamat Salah?

What should we do if urine drops come out during wudhu or salah?

Which durood can be read after attahiyat in salah?

Masturbating and ejaculating during fasting: grave sin? How to seek forgiveness from Allah?

What does my dream of me and my brother heading to a mosque and water gushing from my wrists mean?

Fardh-qaza over sunnah muwakkadah priority?

Is it permissible to lead prayers in more than one mosque during the same time period?

Should I fast after 7 or 10 days post-periods in Ramadan?

Can a Muslim woman divorce Hindu-converted-to-Islam who still practices Durga Puja?