Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Albalagh.net (Page 4)

Answers indexed from: Albalagh.net

Taking Back Rental Property

Playing Table Tennis in the Masjid lobby

Duration of Tabligh Tours

Questions Regarding Jama’ah Tabligh

Stock Options

Conditions for Trading in Stock

Modern Inventions and Sunnah

Saying Bismillah on Suspicious Food to Make it Halal

Spirit and Wine Vinegar

Watching and Participating in Sports


Slaughters by the People of The Book

What ruling does the Shariah give with regards to smoking cigarettes and Hukka (a type of water pipe). [Zubair Patel, Leicester UK]

Is it allowed for a Muslim to keep a rattle snake at home as a pet? I have one cousin who is having a snake and family members would like to know what does Islam says about it. Please also list animals that a Muslim can keep as a pet. [Tahir Khan, Canada]
