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Answers with Tag: Wazifa

Shaadi kis se honi ha, taqdeer me he?

31 and Worried: Seeking Powerful Wazifa for Marriage

Item lost in postage

Struggling to Find Work and Reunite with My Family: A Mother’s Heartfelt Plea for Help

Praying for Psoriasis: Seeking Duas and Ayub Alaihi Salam’s Dua

The purpose of the Qur’an

Wazifa for finding lost items

Urgent Wazifa Needed: Higher Studies Dream in Jeopardy

Dealing with Black Magic and a Straying Husband: A Cry for Help

Wazifa for safety from all evil

Zikr and Dreams: How My Cousin Found a Job

Wazifa for buying a property

What is the formula for success?

Helping My Husband Advance in His Technical Career in Jeddah

Husband ill treating the wife