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Answers with Tag: study

Can you pay off an educational loan in the first year to avoid interest charges?

Which of the eminent scholars of Deoband were pure Ash’ari in Aqīdah?

Why have I had an unsuccessful life despite being 34, a Hafiz Quran, and an Engineer?

Is paying Rs.80000 for fake certificates halal/haram to be a safety officer at Reliance without safety engineering degree?

What are the “Huquq al-Eba’d”?

3 talaq at once for divorce?

Could you suggest a dua to help me achieve success in my career goals?

Should I offer Jumuah salah at the nearby masjid or travel 1.5 km for five time salah?

Is it mandatory for female medical students to wear hijab or purdah?

What does dreaming of Hadhrat Maryam AS & Anwar Shah Kashmiri mean?

Malik Bin Dinar: Sahabi or Tabeyi? Details & book for biographies?

What do the meanings of these dreams mean to you?

What does it mean to dream of reciting Quran Majeed in a mosque multiple times?

What is the best way to consult with a business having a bank loan?

Can I overcome my waswasa and evil thoughts?