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Answers with Tag: Shia

What is the ruling on Imams’ superiority over Prophets?

Is it permissible for an Indian Muslim to wear a tie and have meals with Shia friends in Dubai?

Marriage with Shias

Eating from a Shia sacrifice

73 Sects in Islam

Are Shia’s and bhoras Muslim.If they are muslim on what basis we can consider them muslim?And if not how can we judge them non muslim according to quran and hadeeth? jazakallah khair

Why do you differentiate between Shia’s and Sunni here at your site? Aren’t we all Muslims?

What is your opinion about the late Ayatollah Khomeini? Was he a Muslim or not?

I am a Sunni muslim female and want toknow if I can marry a Shia muslim?

Is muwta (temporary marriage) allowed?

Can a Sunni man can marry a Shia girl?

Are the Shia considered Muslims according to the Ahle sunnah?

Status of the Qur’an: is it God’s uncreated or created speech?

I m a sunni muslim girl and I want to marry a guy who is a shia (a bohri) i just want to ask if a Sunni girl is allowed to marry a Shia ?

You have wrote “kafir shia” when they read a kalam “LA ILLA HA ILL LAHA MUHAMMAD DAR RASOOL ULLAH