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Answers with Tag: Shariah

What do the Ulama think about the land dispute in Jhandutta, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh?

Is black magic and magic real?

What do these dreams mean for us after our move and Umrah?

What is the Sunnah of Nail Cutting?

Should I give zakah on money earned from UN job?

Do I need to pay zakah & do qurbani this Ramadan if I have a loan?

Can I stay up for Fajr and skip sleep for tahajjud?

Should my aunts & sisters get a share of my grandfather’s land & how much?

Can my wife give zakah to her mother & mine, if her mother is Syed & mine isn’t?

How can Shariah divide inherited property among 3 brothers & mother?

Did the husband divorce his wife thrice, despite his denial and his sister’s witness?

I wanted to know if a woman can take a fatwa on talaq or if it can only be given by the husband.

Does laughing loudly invalidate wudhu according to Shariah, outside of prayer?

Is it permissible to help the poor with money from haram sources?

Is market research on alcoholic beverages valid per Shariah?