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Answers with Tag: Salaah

Manager not permitting worker to go for Jumuah Salaah

Performing salaah slightly away from the qiblah

Wazifah to sell one’s property

Performing salaah wearing short sleeves

Water did not enter earring holes when making ghusal

Interacting with ghair muqallids

Can a person perform salaah with the wudhu he made to recite Quraan

Performing salaah while wearing a bag

Sitting for i’tikaaf in a musalla

Reciting بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم when continuing to the next surah in Taraweeh Salaah

Salaah for patients in hospitals

Musaafir performing salaah behind an imaam who is not a musaafir

Missing a portion of a surah during salaah

Swallowing mucus from the nose during salaah

Is a holiday home regarded as watn-e-asli?