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Answers with Tag: Salaah

Status of witr salaah

Performing sunnats of nafl with the intention of qadha

Following the jamaat salaah of the Haram in the musalla of the hotel

Joining maghrib and esha salaah before boarding a flight

Performing witr salaah behind the Imaam in the Haram

Performing salaah on the marble outside the Haram

Performing waajibut tawaaf after performing multiple tawaafs

Jamaat salaah commencing while one is making tawaaf

Musaafir performing qasar salaah when staying in a town for less than 15 days

Muslim Engineer Worried About Jummah Prayer on Ship

Performing Salaah between pillars

Performing nafl salaah between tahajjud and fajr

Porn and Masturbation: Seeking Advice as a Conservative Muslim at 23

Reciting from different surahs in salaah

Doubts about following a mazhab