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Answers with Tag: rakaat

The four rakaats of sunnah prayed before the khutba, what is its authenticity, it’s evidence?!

If a person is more than 100 kms away from his house.. as in hadis it say musafir should pray 2 rakat in zuha

Recently I saw a response on your website indicating that we should not ask from Allah(swt) against something like making a dua that if my so and so request is fullfilled I’ll give charity.

Can i without moving lips recite fatiha and surah in my heart like we do in normal rakat of namaz when inaudible behind the imam. OR recite from any surah of quran without moving lips OR by zikr meaning i should do zikr in heart in arabic subahanallah alhamdullillah Allah o akbar. PLease clearify

My question is, in prayer when you prostate and then sit up, do we recite anything like ‘allahumma magfirili war hamni’ before going in to the second prostration and then before gettin up for the second rakat do we sit recite that and then get up?

Which is more important in Esha salaat – the 2 rakaats Nafl before Witr or after Witr salaat?…How many rakaats should one perform for Qasr (when travelling) for the various salaats?…I heard in a lecture that it is virtuous to recite Kulazubirabilfalak is there any merit to this…I notice that some people tend to perform their Magrib Nafl salaat sitting down on a daily basis. …

What if I recited by mistake a part or one ayah after surah fatiha in third or fourth rakah in farad prayer. I have to complete the surah after fatiha or you just go to ruku and then make sajda sawhu. please kindly explain details about sajda sawhu. and in what condition you have to start over.

Can you cite suppordting evidences from ahadith that the Prophet (saw) performed fifteen rakaats of salaat during the night, twelve of which were Tahajjud Salaat with the authencity of the ahadith.

Is there any narration in Bukhari or other hadith book that nabi (sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam) prayed 12 rakaats of Tahajjud without Witr?

I have heard that Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم use to offer 8 rakat nafal after isha in ramadhan and non-ramahan. However we pray 20 rakat in ramadhan…Please inform about Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم Sunnah for fast in non-ramdhan…

Does divorce take effect in Having thoughts about divorcing wife…

Marriage – What are mine and his right according to hadiths and the quran?

If i will get the last rakah of Jamat Asr salah…Shall i hv to recite the surah in the last two or first two rakah’s or only surah fatiha will suffice?

Please referance the proof of the four rakaats sunnah before the esha salaah

What is the Sunnah way of moving into a new home for the first time?..A learned friend of mine said that some Ulema is of the oppinion that it is not sinfull to with-hold some of your income ?…Is coppying software and cd’s which are coppyrighted a major sin (tantamount to stealing)?