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Answers with Tag: Quran

In sajda after reading three times tasbeeh ,can I recite any Quranic dua or Ayats in Quran

My question is with regards to taking wasila of pious men. If there are two persons equally pious. If one asks Allah without vasila for some thing & if the other asks Allah for the same thing with wasila of some pious men, will the Allah give importance to the dua with wasila?

I have a question about qasam like if some one had this false qasam that walahe i dint do this and after the person realises that he did comiit a sin and wants to do kafara so what would that b so the person can ask for forgivness.

Where i can buy islamic books like’Mareful Quran’ written in German….what rights a muslim woman has on his husband’s money?

Is there any basis from the Quran & Sunnah to recite the last verse of Surah Nuun to protect oneself from the evil eye? Also is there any basis for one who intends to marry to recite Surah Dahr daily?

A young fellow and a young girl wanted to get married to stay away from the zina. But you advised the boy that if he can not support his wife then he should restraint and control his desires by fasting?!?

My husband doesnt want to have another child, we have one son he is 6 yrs if i tell him for another child he say no, he says we have age difference iam 27 and he is 42, and he will get old until the child is grown and he dont want to put the burden on me, i tried to convince him a lot but he doesnt agree.

It is narration of abu huryra ( r a a ) in which presedent of iraq’s sadam’s name clearly discrib ( armagedon)…r there a hadith in which sadam name pleas clearifiy

During an argument, my husband said to me: “”i divorce you, i divorce you, i divorce you” 3 times all in the same sentence. He said this in front of my father in law. …He wants me back and I want my marriage to stay valid as well.

I visit mosque five times a day. The imam of that mosque runs a madrassah the students are taught quran inside the praying place. The students also have to give a fee so i wanted to ask that is it a business? if yes then is it allowed to run such business in a mosque?

I have heard some scholars mention that al-Hakim and author of Tareekh Tabarri were Shias or with Shia tendencies?

Which quraanic verse describe the prayer timings and prohibition for ladies to go outside without hijab

What exactly should we understand by the quranic designation of Nabi [saw] as a ‘Witness’.

Do we as Muslims believe that Dinosaurs existed before mankind?

Is all shia Kafir .If not what makes them kafir or how can i identify if he is kafir.