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Answers with Tag: qadhaa

(1) Is there a way to increase my intellect level? 2.I accidentally touched a sharp object and cut my finger. Was my fast valid?

My wife intended to fast the whole month of Rajab, without thinking about her period. Now her period has arrived…Does she have to make up for these days?

Is it Sunnah to keep a cloth/shawl hanging over one’s shoulders?

Forgetting that one has made an intention to fast. on Thursday morning he realises that he should have been fasting. since he has not anything contrary to fasting can he continue to fast

Do I have to perform the Qada for those Salaats in which my abulution was invalid because I did not mention the name “Allah”?

I have been praying my qazaa that I missed in my lifetime. Do I pray 4 farz or 2 farz for all the jumma farz I have missed? Should my niyah be:- salatul jumma,2 farz praying qazaa

My father has diabetics, has not been fasting for many years. what should he do to make up for that?

1)Must I make up the missed salats in order? For example, if I missed yesterday’s Zuhr, and today’s Fajr, can I make up today’s missed Fajr before yesterday’s missed Zuhr?

1) I work at a grocery store and they are english songs that are played in a low volume. Is my Salaat valid – no matter how I concentrate on my Salaat, the noise of the song goes into my ear

Answer 5889 – if this will is not made by some-one due to unawareness of this fact, then can his children still pay fidiyaa

I am trying to complete my missed fard salats. I am 26yrs old, tell me from which age I should count missed salats? What is the niyat of missed salat, as I offer one missed one with each regular one

Am I required to perform salaat al-qada for all the fard prayers in my life in which I achieved tahara through performing wudu that included mash over modern socks?

Order of prayers just before sunset

Do I need to make up the prayers between when I first believed in the components of the Shahada and when I said the Shahada in Arabic?

Regrading taraweeh qazaa