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Answers with Tag: Prophet Muhammad

Can you please explain in details what is the Aqeedah of Ismailis and are they Muslims or not?

Authenticity of Hadith compilations

What should one do with clothing with animate objects? Please clarify the Hadith of angels not entering the home with pictures in it? Can we accept greetings on non-Islamic festivals and practices?

Who was Yazeed ibn Mu`aawiyah?

Impersonating the Sahaabah (Radiyallahu Anhum) in movies

Punishment for Insulting Prophet Muhammad: Quran and Hadith Perspective

Struggling with My Faith: Dealing with Workplace Bullying and Doubts about Allah’s Plan

Compilation of the Qur’an

Why should we follow an Imaam?

Unknowingly uttering words of kufr

Love for Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Holiday on the 12th of Rabu ul Awaal

The Ulama of Deoband’s Belief on the Finality of Nubuwwat

Did Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Eat Nuts?

Mufti’s View on Naqshbandi Tariqa Initiation & Connection to Prophet Muhammad