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Answers with Tag: mortgage

Can we take a loan & later re-finance with a Shariah-Compliant Company?

Muslims, Islamic Law and Public Policy in the United States

Purchasing a house which still has interest bearing loan…

Zakat and mortgages

Why is Riba, such as bank interest, forbidden? Are there alternatives in Britain?

Zakat on money lent: Payable on receiving the debt

Are Islamic alternatives for an interest-based mortgage: interest-based transactions in disguise?

Unpaid Zakat, Mortgage, and Debt: What Do I Do?  

Zakat on Rental Income (which is used to pay off halal mortgage)

HSBC ‘halal mortgage’ in UK?

Islamic Financing in the US

Perfoming Hajj with riba debts due

Zakat & Long-Term Debts

Years of Past Due Zakat, and Zakat on Non-Selling or Damaged Trade Goods

Renting Out Property Purchased Through Mortgage, and Wearing Shirts Sponsored by Unlawful Companies