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Answers with Tag: mohammed

I am not sure but can you please help me? My wife and I are planing to go for hajj this year inshallah. But my wife grandmother also wants to go with us. My question is that can…

1- Is it strictly prohibited to have your feet towards kaba while sleeping?…2- If someone is changing diaper of a baby (2 years old) and the hands got dirty , does the wudu has to be repeated

I would like to know where there is an aiyat in the Quraan or if you would have some knowledge about the issue of the changing global life expectancy and its relation to marriage.

What do you say about Imam ibn Taymiyah?

I would like to find out the significance of 12PM at nightI would like to find out by 12pm at night, according to a lot of Indian custom most old people say that we should not go for a shower

Moulana Tariq Jamil, says Hazrat Khijir Alaihis-salam is still alive and he will be Shahid by Dajjal….

Why we only call people to Amal (salat,zikir,dua,..) but dont try to establish islam in the government level.if we dont try so then we cant follow islam properly.because we have

I wanted to know about Shabe Barat. Are there any hadiths relating to this night and what are the merits in praying in that night?

Over the years i often heard, that keeping a cat as a pet is sunat. is this true? my question is. .

One of my friend told me that : Migrate to Kuffar country is haram and Working in a kuffar country (which is not his home country) also haram since we are helping them to promote thier economy. Is it true?

One of my colegue, hailing from kerela India, I too belong to India, has forwarded me a book , on Tableeghi Jamat and Deoband ,name of the book is “Tablighi jamat and Deobandis, A critical ana;ysis of thier belief, faith and ” written by Sajid Abdul Qayyum , printed in Sharjah…

How does one know whether he has had a wet dream or not? I am 15 years old and I have very heavy sleep, so sometimes I suspect that something might have happened,…

I heard before that if someone commits sin that Allah (sw) allows us a few amount of time such as hours to repent before it is written down! is this true?

My question is about how to calculate the zakat for earning and savings in the bank?how much money should i have had received before i am entitled to pay zakat for both

I wanted to know that does a halal mortage exist. because i think that if u get a motrgage halal or not you still have to pay suud(intrest) so what makes the halal mortgage halal.