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Answers with Tag: masturbation

Many years back as a young adult aged 18-20 I masturbated during two of the fasts in Ramadan.What should I do now to atone for these acts?

Asalaamu’alaykum Mufti saheb, I know Masturbation is Haraam, but its not Haraam to touch the Privates to clean or to squeeze it after urinating, I want to know where the boundary between the two is

If wife uses her hands to please her husband , does it come under masturbation?

The contract is based on hour, whether we are working or not. I feel it’s better for me to use the time for something useful i.e read Qur’an, ta’lim etc. (inside or outside the office). Is it OK?

Assalamu alaikum .my problem is i get drops of urine after toilet for an unknown time..so should i change the clothes everytime?sometimes it happens during salaat

1. Person X has been fasting roughly from the age of 15. But due to desires, he used to masterbate during almost all of his fasts. 2. advise on Harun Yahya’s articles

I want to ask is it permitted to talk to ur Fiancé before marriage(in my case over the net)

My wife masturbated me while we were fasting. Is the fast makrooh or not valid?

I started masturbation but i suddently got remember that i am in sawm but liquid came but it was not semen, so my fast was valid or not ?

1) will masturabting ones wife while she is fasting break her fast? 2) You state its alright to kiss ones wife while fasting. What type of kiss is permissiable

Is it ok for a husband to perform oral sex on his wife? Also can husband/wife masturbate each other and show private parts?

My friend sweared to Allah that he will never do something but unfortunately he did it again?

Priority of care by wife. Should the wife neglect her duties to husband while being involved in the looking after their children?

I would like to know about the kuffara of doing masturbation.

Towards the end of passing out urine, a thick pale coloured fluid passes out as well. Is this mazi?