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Answers with Tag: masturbation

What is the ruling for a Muslim living in the west and who was sexualy aroused during ramadan and he is not married. He finds nothing else and resorts to masturbation

While fasting I did masturbation until i reached orgasm. 1)Is my Fast valid?

I’m a Hafiz, so my question is whether I should lead taraweh this Ramadan? Keep in mind that I don’t commit this sin in Ramadan

I have heared some body who use his own hand to satisfy his sexual need that means with out meeting with woman

About masturbation despite of my all self controling efforts i am still unable to control

Dream of physical ejaculation, but seen nothing

Do we have to perform ghusl before fajr if we are not paak (clean) during the month of Ramadhan.

I have a weak ejaculation,can i go and see a doctor?

Commited masturbation and during that state i removed my topee in my mind came the thought that i’m not muslim.

It seems every time I masturbate problems, I feel that a bad thing happens every time I do it (I’m ashamed). I did it a few days ago and my auntie died few days later. Is this my fault?

I am impotent due to excessive masturbation. At this stage parents want to make my marriage. What I should do? Is it must for me to obey their order?

What should I do if I unintentionally break the fast?

Why does islam tell us that after getting married hubby and wife when they do sex together they cannot see naked

Can a husband masturbate his wife when she is menstruating?

Normal way of reproduction is not valid in our case because of blockade of her tubes. Before going for test tube,I think it is necessary to know whether it is allowed in Islam or not.