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Answers with Tag: marry

My husband had been drinking came home smashed a door down, he came into the room i was in, and said there are two witnessess (my father and brother) i’m going to divorce you. And said ‘i divorce you, i divorce you, i divorce you…

I wanna ask a question if a palestine girl wants too marry a pakistan guy and they know each other really good is it ok 2 marry a pakistan if she palestine ?

A guy from SAudi Arabia (Shia) asked on the IM would you like to be my wife…etc……I said yes…now per his believe I m now her wife…but in my mazhab we are not married yet because we need the witness…!!

Is there any basis from the Quran & Sunnah to recite the last verse of Surah Nuun to protect oneself from the evil eye? Also is there any basis for one who intends to marry to recite Surah Dahr daily?

My brother lives in Norway and he asked a woman to marry him here in America. They have seen each other only in photos. The marriage did not work out because she did not want to go to live in Norway nor did my brother wanted to come to live here in America. So my question is can I ask the same woman in marriage? I live in America.

Me and my wife even tho we will both be students to help prevent ziena.. is contraceptives permisable until i finish study?

The following procedure was carried out. We both signed up a contract and including the signatures of 2 witnesses who were present during the nikkah one of whom was a hafez….

What does the Quran say about a muslim guy marrying a hindu women?

My husband left me when i was 8 month pregnant, due to his parents.he through me out my home. after the birth of my child he sent me talaq 3 weeks later in writing,

I get marriage who belived Cristian and i believed muslim my question is that can i marrage that whomen who believed other religios,Jaej?

I would like to know if I can marry my first cousin who is my mum’s older brother’s daughter. Also if it is recommended in Islam to get married to my cousin. Or if there is any Islamic teachings.

Quran says in surah Al-Nour “corrupt women are for corrupt men, and corrupt men, for corrupt women – just as good women are for good men, and good men, for good women”

We want to make us halaal so we can improve our deen …we dnt know how to ask our parents if we can nikkah with our parents still supporting us as usual. afraid they wil not accept our wishes. how do i approach our parents?

One husband gives one talaq orally to make his wife for warning for something, but the wife out of too much displeased with that she passes the 90 days/iddat period. So the marriage terminates but they can re-marry, right?

Is it permissable to masturbate?