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Answers with Tag: Interest

Accepting a Non-Shariah Compliant Fund From Parents

Finding a Tear After Praying in a Garment

How Much Milk-Nursing Is Needed to Establish Familial Bonds?

Is It Disrespectful Towards Allah to Say “Whatever” to One’s Parents?

What Is the Islamic Response to the Euthyphro Dilemma?

What Is the Ruling of the Blood That Flows after the Womb Is Scraped?

What to do after Eating Pork?

Can I Follow Another Madhhab on the Issue of Expiation (Kaffara) for Breaking One’s Fast through Masturbation?

Is It Permissible to Pay for Quran Recitation?

Is the Spread of Snitching and Intoxication a Sign of the Day of Judgment?

Would it be valid if a woman asked for a dowry and stipulated that it is conditional upon the husband’s death only?

Can I Keep My Dogs Which I Already Owned Before Reverting to Islam?

Can We Combine and Shorten Prayers When Traveling to a Football Game Where Others Will Be Drinking Beer?

How to Ignore Baseless Misgiving

Is There Any Difference Regarding Bequests (Wasiyya) Between the Shafi’i and Hanafi Schools?