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Answers with Tag: insurance

Working in financial sector

Is it permissible to term interest money paid to bank as profit paid to bank? Is it permissible to claim insurance on a damaged vehicle in an accident?

Is it permissible to take out insurance with a company paying for it? Who can interest money be given to? What is the method of Salāh al-hājah?

Is it permissible to take out insurance with a company paying for it? Who can the interest money be given to? What is the method of Salāh al-hājah?

Is it permissible to undertake an administrative role in a reinsurance company?

Is exchange traded derivatives and occupational specific insurance permissible in Islam.

Is it permissible to act on behalf of defendants for personal injury and obtain compensation where the money comes from insurance companies?

Medical Insurance

Life Insurance

Investing in insurance firm

Is Working in Takaful Insurance Halal?

Is Selling Life Cover and Non-Shariah Compliant Investments as a Financial Advisor Halal or Haram?

Third Party Vehicle Insurance: Permissible or Not?

Income of an insurance agent

Navigating Medical Insurance in Saudi Arabia on a Tight Budget