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Answers with Tag: income

What is the hukm of ladies going to Masjid and why?

They purchased the house in the name of elder son,beside this house government land was there they were selling this land to the owner of house only so one brother purchased the land in his elder brother name only, now elder son died ,….

Im in a relationship with a girl,,and im serious about getting married to her, we have done istikhara,,and i saw a positive dream,,ive done it over 3 times,,

What is the Sunnah way of moving into a new home for the first time?..A learned friend of mine said that some Ulema is of the oppinion that it is not sinfull to with-hold some of your income ?…Is coppying software and cd’s which are coppyrighted a major sin (tantamount to stealing)?

1)Please tell me if the following is OK. I make a website. This website will show an ad…2)Mufti Dawood Ahmad of Jamia Ashrafia told me that it is not permissible to transact with shias and qadyanis…3)In the above mentioned business proposition, I will be having a “Reseller’s Account” with a company say “XYZ”

My husband has bought a drinking bar also has women entertainment there. I am very against it but he sees nothing wrong with it because he states he making very good money…

Is the commission that one earns from selling life insurance policies, retirement annuities, etc. considered haraam?

Please help me with my Zakaat calculation.What value can I deduct as a liability and what value as assets?

I live in New Zealand.The Tax rate is high and the retirement income is very low.So citizens ensure their future by buying houses.And of course they get laons from the bank. But us Muslims we are not allowed the REBA….

Is money which is collected from avoid taxes halaal

Working for a Health Insurance Company or as a Doctor in USA

I’m Working in a Bank for the last 13 yrs. I’m willing to leave this job but unable to find another as yet.

I visit mosque five times a day. The imam of that mosque runs a madrassah the students are taught quran inside the praying place. The students also have to give a fee so i wanted to ask that is it a business? if yes then is it allowed to run such business in a mosque?

Could you please see this website and tell me if it is ok to earn an extra income in this manner from www.moresu.info …

Please could you advise whether there is anything here that contradicts the Shar’ee principles. I would appreciate a detailed response