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Answers with Tag: Imam Ahmad

Charity and Spending on One’s Family on Ashura

The concept and classification of Bid’a in Islam.

Are Shi’as cosidered Muslims?

A Question Regarding Fajr Adhan

Are Muslims allowed to eat seafood?

Are muslims allowed to read english Quran with out wadu?

Is it permissible to smoke hukkah? Is Hukkah makrooh or haraam?

As per Fatawa-e-Razvia, Bibi Aasia (Radi Allah Anha, who was wife of Pharoah Ramesis II) and Bibi Maryam (Radi Allah Anha, who was mother of Prophet Isa A.S) will be amongst the wives of Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) in Jannah….

Please tell me in detail about the Fitna Khalqe Quran , which appeared at time of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hambel (RH)?

I have heard a hadith wherein it is mentioned that Hadrat Ali [ra] missed his asr salah because Nabi [saw] was sleeping on his lap….What has Imam Ahmad Raza mentioned that is shirk? Did Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi consider him [Imam Ahmad Raza] to have been a great aalim?

Please explain…’The verse of stoning and of suckling an adult ten times were revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept and a lot more…

Some peiople use this hadees to say that music and dancing is allowed or to do zikar while dancing?