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Answers with Tag: imaam

S saying “aameen” when the imaam completes Surah Al-Fatiha proof for “making dua collectively”?………

Is there any significance to 15th of Shabaan?

I married a Christian woman who converted to Islam. When I married her she was still married but separated from her Christian husband for more than 6 months…..

At jumuah today the imaam said that, in a islamic state, if a person does not make salaah and you tell him three time to and he still doesnt make, then you are allowed to kill that person. How true is this?if at all?

If a Hanafi is going to pray in a Mosque where the imaam is leading a 8 rakaat tarawih in sets of 2 rakat….

When we hear the death message of Muslims, we say, Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un. But what should we say on hearing the death news of non-Muslims?

1) have been told that it is haram for women to shave the pubic hair…2) are we allowed to use toothpase with alcohol in it, to cure gum desease?

Where is the day of qiyamah? I was taught that the day of qiyamah will be on the plains of Arafat but recently heard that it is somewhere in Syria? Can you please clarify the matter?

We are living in Saudi Arabia, and followers of Hanafi Madhab. When we are traveling to other cities or even in the same city, we have to pray Namaaz in road side Masjid, should women pray behind the Imaam or they should pray separately?

She stopped wearing niqaab now, and she left her family and now does a lot of bad things like have a boyfriend

Is it right for me to pray behind such imaam who has no beard?