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Answers with Tag: Ibn Abidin

Praying Witr After Tahajjud & Make-Up’s

Praying Supererogatory Prayers Holding the Qur’an

Praying The Confirmed Sunnas With Make-Ups: I Feel Overwhelmed

Question: What is the ruling of praying on a plane? How does one determine the time for prayer and does one have to pray standing?

Praying Sunna Prayers Outside of the Prayer Time?

Praying in a Room with Pictures

Praying Fajr Twice, and Combining Intentions

Praying Behind an Improperly Dressed, Beardless Imam

Prayer of Repentance: Salat al-Tawba

Performing the Funeral Prayer for Someone Who Committed Suicide

Paying Zakat on Money Lent Out

Paying Zakat vs. Paying Off a Debt

Commencing and Concluding One’s Meal with Salt

Muslims Having Christmas Trees

Menstruation, Prayers And Make-Ups