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Answers with Tag: Holy Prophet

The Zikir Sect

The deceptions of the Ahmadiyyah Movement

Can I take a loan from a bank to build/repair a house for my father or buy a flat?

Can we do tasbihat after fardh salah but before sunnah salah?

Can we do tasbihat after fardh salah but before sunnah salah?

Is wearing pants and a shirt allowed in school but not at home?

Can we do tasbihat after fardh salah but before sunnah salah?

What are some tips for applying for a business loan?

Can one request for dua to a person who is leaving for Hajj?

Are there any known instances of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sending a caravan for Muslim rectifications (islah)?

Is dying from sartan (cancer) a blessing?

I want to know meaning for name Muhammad Saalif. I heard this is name of one Sahabi. Please confirm?

Can I name my daughter Adiba Fathima & which comes first for Aqiqah: shave or sacrifice?

Can Muslims label others ‘Wahhabi’ for advocating Islamic Shariah on Shabe Miraj?

Hadith proven extra rewards for praying on Miraj night with fast & nafl prayer on 27 Rajab?