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Answers with Tag: hindu

I would like to know if it is allowed to attend a Hindu wedding, or any other non-muslim wedding, during Ramadaan

I want to construct my home on a triangular piece of land, but my friend said it is forbiden in Islam?

I am a hindu can I convert to Islam, if so how can I?

I’m a Hindu but want to do fast can I do it coz I like Islam a lot?

Hating and leaving native land.

My friend is living in with a hindo gay in a flat provided by govt, both are cocking in one kitchen. Are we can eat his cooked food, is it Haram?

What does Islam say about the eating/cooking with Hindus (sharing utensils)?

Can yoga exercises be done for fitness without meditation?

Is there a genuine hadith about women using henna on their feet?

Correct shares for brothers and sisters, and Hindu brother’s share.

Can a Muslim marry a non-Muslim after engaging in sexual activity with them?

What are your views on using ready-made papads from India made by Hindus?

Is the name “Nayha Fatima” appropriate in Islam and what is its meaning in Hindi?

Can a bride host a mendi party before the wedding if Islamic rules are followed?

Can eye-holed masks and faceless figurines be owned, sold, and displayed?