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Answers with Tag: hindu

A Tamil Hindu Woman who Converted to Islam had Married Her Mother’s Brother – is the Contract still Valid?

What does this dream mean? dreamed that we I was siting in a science theatre of a university or a lieu very similar to it It was full of people of all races and religions

Non believers go to hell? my parents and other family members who are still Hindus, or rather non-believers. Will all Non Believers go to hell?

Ten questions … 1.Can I secretly take my parent’s money and give it in sadqa, khairat

Can we give money to hindus during festivals?They use this for shirk practices.Meccan period prophet prayed in front of idols. sahabah did not pray to them.Idols removed after Islam was completed.

We are meant to understand that ‘786’ stands for ‘Bismillahi Rahmaan Raheem’. How did it come about, and who started it?

Why marry the people of Hell?

How can I control my anger?

As a sister,how do I make my Hindu family Muslim when they are anti-Islam?

A terrible incident occurred in my life that prompted me to abandon my life of sin and dedicate myself and my life to Allah. 1. Who is God?2. What proof is there of God’s existance?

3. In our masjid After fajr and jummah namaaz, most of the members gather around and say salaam to prophet muhammad(saws). How far is it correct with respect to quran and hadees?

Is the girl converted to Islam before or after the Nikah?

Is it permissible to marry the same girl twice in Islam?

Is it permissible to accept gifts and eatables from different communities?

Is it permissible for my wife to meet her parents/siblings, who are Hindu, in light of Shariah?