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Answers with Tag: hands

1) my mum re-married a few months before she passed away, her husband was very neglectful in his duties towards her..2) Some relatives planted flowers on my mums kabar, is this correct?

I am inuk in uk for qurbani cow is around £6oo and indiia cow is for£60 can i do qurbni anywhere in the world

In light of Quran and Hadith Kindly let me know what an Imam and his followers should recite just once the Imam concludes his prayer I mean he says Asalamu-Aliakum Wa Rahmatullah towards right and then left

My wedding consisted of many celebratiosn that most Pakistani wedding nowadays consist of. Loud music, dancing, dhol playing, mehndi, manya… so many things that i am sure you know were traditions of the hindu people….Does this mean that my Marriage is not valid?

When I was in india I used to paint pictures .Now i came to know that from a “‘hadeeth”.It is saying that Allah has cursed the man who paint pictures .can you please carify my

I am living with a non muslim family they sponsered me…and i am having problem cause they have a dog here and it keeps touchin me.

I am a new convert to Islam, just over a month and I have a question regarding my relationship and soon to be marriage….So my question is is it ok under these circumstances for me to marry this wonderful man?

What is the correct procedure for praying Tahajjud Salat ?

If a female has her hands covered during salaah, eg kept underneath her burqah/hijaab ( one that is long) will her salaah be invalid?

Q-regarding tayamum you mentioned to the near meaning that if unable to wash majority of the parts(3 out of 4) in wudu then its permissible or else not, but in Aap ke Masail or un ka hal part 2 ….

One of my friend told me that : Migrate to Kuffar country is haram and Working in a kuffar country (which is not his home country) also haram since we are helping them to promote thier economy. Is it true?

I want to ask that i am being preesurized to meet my female cousins….. i want to ask tthat in keeping view the present time… what do u thnk that upto which extent a muslim can meet with female cousins…

Bishr bin Marwan’s khutbah…What do we understand from this hadeeth? Is there any sunnah or mustahab acts from this hadeeth?

I am a Buddhist, however I believe in God as the creator of all things and beings but created by no one…Is there any way that is Halal for me to court a Muslim girl?