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Answers with Tag: hair

Could you please explain what are the things we need to take care according to Sharia for a new born baby (Boy/Girl), just after his birth onwards?

I need to know is it permissible to permanently remove underarm hair for example using laser hair removal.

How did the prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) have his hair?

Will the human being will have their original form when they will enter in the Jannath? And will they have the fifth sense what they have now in this world?

As a Muslim man, which hairs on my body should I shave?

Mufti saab I wasnt to ask that shoul women also shave/remove their unwanted hairs before going for haj or omrah as it is required for men. And is it required for womens also to remove their unwanted hairs atleast once in 40 days.

Is it permissible to shave the public hairs while in periods(menses)?

I have heard that it is wrong for a muslim woman to dye her hair black.Is this true and why is it wrong to do so?

I was wondering if girls my age are allowed to dye their hair…For hair removal is it acceptable for a girl to get her underarms waxed by another female?

1) have been told that it is haram for women to shave the pubic hair…2) are we allowed to use toothpase with alcohol in it, to cure gum desease?

Assalaaamu ‘alaykum, I would like some details on the hadith of women cuting their hairs; please note that I’m from the hanafi madhab but I want to be on truth. In your fatwa #15293, you mentionned that “The people who claim that it is permissible for women to cut their hair use…

I want to know why it is prohibited for women to cut hair. I have long hairs and Iam a working women, and I find greate dificulty in managing such long hairs between various works of home and out side.

Is masah for wudhu valid if a person uses gel on his hair.

Can you please tell me how a muslim girl is allowed to tie her hair…And is a women allowed to wear sandals outside the house when her cloak falls below her ankles.Thank You.May Allah reward you well.

Is there anything wrong to cut / remove nails, hairs of the head or unwanted hairs at night times. i.e after isha and before fajr (subh)?