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Answers with Tag: hair

I am a female living in Jeddah. I performed umra but forogt to trim my hair at the end of it. As soon as I returned home to Jeddah I remembered and cut my hair. Is my umra valid. Any compensation?

I wanted to ask about Itikaf i.e under what category does it fall. Is it Sunnah, Sunnah-e-moekeda e.t.c. According to what i have been told it is Fard -e-Kafia

Mufti Sahib, does the following Hadith refers to Tableeghi Jamaat?

I wanted to know its permiseable in our islam to do eyebrows , we have look beautiful to our husband so what can we do.

I would like you to analyse the Fatwa given by the Brelvi Ulama regarding folding the trousers above the ankles in salaah,they say that it is makrooh e tahreemi to fold the trousers above the ankles…

I wanted to know as a female about your opinion or ruling about laser hair removal for facial hair except eyebrows ?

While performing ghusl you have to wash your hair throughly. But she has a skin disease on her head, psoriasias. The doctor recommended a special shampoo and medication for it.must she still wash her hair of is she allowed to just wash her body?

I would be highly appreciated if you could advise the SUNNAH of covering the Head (CAP/TOPPI) in prayer and normal life as well.

I know that keeping a beard is wajib but what if you have a skin disorder which causes itchy and flaky red skin under the beard.

I want to ask that if the woman is in fortydays menses after normal delivery and in between she take bath she will not b paak as the bleeding will b going on so wen she takes bath her hair r wet n the water will b dripping 4m hair is it napaak water n the towel she uses is that also becomes napaak ?

Is it permissble to shave chest hairs for males? as it is now common these days.

Is it permissable to make dua in sajdah during salaat …Is the hair that grows below the lower lip part of the beard?…Can one perform fard salaat in congregation within the boundaries of the masjid if one is late?

I wanted to ask that are we allowed to cut the beard’s hair that have extended beyond the jawbone at the side of the face i.e the root of the hair is within the jawbone but the hair have grown…

A) Is it okay if I wear hair weaves (fake hairs)? B) If my health does not allow for me to grow hairs properly, is it okay for me to wear hair weaves? C) I feel so less of woman and I cry too much when looking in mirror and I feel big embarrassment for…

1) is it premissible to wax my chest?(male) 2) i heard that you should say bismillah before you do any work, is that true for even things as playing video games or going on the computer or watching tv? 3) i heard that listening to music is haraam? what type of music is it all types? also is it allowed to hear it if im jus going to the gym to work out?