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Answers with Tag: Hadith

What Is the Ruling on Finding Sticky Fluid without a Wet Dream?

Is It Haram to Set Boundaries with My Difficult Family Members?

What Is the Ruling regarding Breaking One’s Intention in Prayer?

Is It Permissible to Interact with Opposite Gender?

Can My Suitor’s Family Deny Marriage over Caste?

Why Does a Maiden of Paradise Curse the Women of This World?

Is a Man’s Milk-Brother a Mahram for His Daughter?

Why Must I Wear a Jilbab for Allah as Opposed to Other Clothing?

Is My Prayer Valid If Performed More/Less around 3–5 Minutes than the Actual Prayer Time?

If One Stops Praying, Is He a Disbeliever?

Should I Divorce My Wife or Appease My Relatives?

How Does the Shari’a Construe a Loan from a Partnership to One of Its Members?

What Is the Proper Method of Performing the Ritual Bath (Ghusl)?

What Supplication Did the Prophet ﷺ Make Most?

Is It Permissible to Get a Tattoos for Medical Reasons?