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Answers with Tag: Government

We are meant to understand that ‘786’ stands for ‘Bismillahi Rahmaan Raheem’. How did it come about, and who started it?

If there is any place on earth where Shariah is strictly followed, it’s Afghanistan. Then why are there so many problems there?

The ruling of Islam on elections in a kufr system?

Currency for Commission

How is the rule for illegal copying in categories such books(or text book in college) and other related things for studying? (copyrights and intellectual property)

What is the ruling of Slavery in Islam? How can a person be a slave to someone other than Allah SWT.

Some pharmacists supply products e.g toiletries in exchange for a prescription.Either to the value or less,& claim the full prescription value from the government/medical insurance.Comments

Can a person without Beard lead a salat if the persons praying behind him have Masnoon Beard? What should Hanfi Do in this Situation?

How should heirs split legal costs after a man’s death?

Is it permissible to pay tax from interest money from chitfunds?

Can I use interest from my SB account to pay my income tax and zakah?

Is it obligatory to use working hours and pay according to Islamic Shariah?

Is it halal for my brother and I to consume the vegetables from the tree he planted?

Is it permissible to accept interest from the government’s Provident Fund according to Islamic Shariah?

Is it halal to take advantage of a loan scheme for minorities where the government pays 25% of the interest?