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Answers with Tag: fiqh

What is the ruling on issuing discount cards and promo coupons?

Trade-mark is Part of the Inheritance

Ruling on Benefiting from the Excess Insurance Distributed to Shareholders

Mudarib isn`t Liable for Capital Unless he Committed Misconduct and Negligence

What are the conditions that make an Istisna` contract valid?

Does Conditioned Presumptive Encashment in Contracts Replace Actual Encashment

Status of Intellectual Sciences in Islamic Civilization

Ruling on Using Unoriginal Software

The Driver Causing the Accident is the Guarantor

Collecting the Financial Claims of Doctors in return for a Certain Percentage

It is Permissible to Wipe over a Splint to Avoid Harm

Some Rules on the Compensation Given by the New Tenant to the Old One

The Religious Framing of a Woman’s Alimony during Iddah

What are the Sharia conditions of the closed-end lease?

Please clarify the religious ruling on the insurance card that gives discounts to certain ratios?