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Answers with Tag: Fasting

What is the Islamic ruling on pregnant women fasting?

Taking an injection while fasting.

I always feel weak and hungry during fasting and two of my pregnancy

Which are the best days for nafl fast

Sacrifice – An Integral Part of Deen

Mutawatir and Ahaad Hadith

Hilaal – Darul Uloom Trinidad & Tobago

Can Ibrahim’s theft and other sins be forgiven if he repents and reverts to Islam?

Can I gargle while fasting?

If thread like particles of miswak goes into my throat while performing ablution during fasting, does it break the fast?

What are the significant events that take place during the first 10 days of Dhul al-Hajj?

Masturbating during Ramadan?

Hadith proven extra rewards for praying on Miraj night with fast & nafl prayer on 27 Rajab?

If gum bleed at time of fasting, is fast able to continue or is it rejected?

Can fasting during Ramadan cause kidney stones?