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Answers with Tag: Fasting

Uttering One’s Intention while Dedicating the Reward of a Good Deed on Behalf of the Deceased isn’t Conditional

Skin Patches don`t Invalidate Fasting

Taking Pills to Delay Menses in order to Carry out Religious Duties is Permissible

Offering Good Deeds on Behalf of Dead Parents is an Act of Kindness to them

Broke Fast during Ramadan with no Valid Excuse and Uncertain of the Number of Days to Make up for

Travel that Permits Breaking Fast

Abandoning Prayer is a Major Sin

Wearing Medical Shoes during Umrah for a Necessity

It is Impermissible for Husband to be Occupied with Voluntary Acts of Worship at the Expense of Wife`s Duties upon him

Fulfilling the Vows Made to Do Permissible Acts isn’t Obligatory

Is it Valid to Initiate the Obligatory Prayer Immediately at the beginning of Athan

Ruling on Observing Non-Obligatory Fast on Saturday

No Expiation on who Died before Making up Lawfully Missed Obligatory Fast

Whoever was Unable to Fast as Prescribed in Killing Expiation isn’t Permitted to Move on Feeding the Poor

Is he Obliged to Offer an Oath Expiation since only Part of it was Fulfilled?