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Answers with Tag: Fast

Ruling on Surgeries that Involve Breaking Obligatory Fast

Breaking Fast to Study for Exams isn`t Permissible

Ruling on Gift-Giving on Mother`s Day

Ruling on Reciting Al-Faatihah by the Persons Led in Prayer

Night Prayer isn`t Restricted to a Specific Number of Rakahs

When to Pay the Fidyah Due on the ill Who is Unable to Fast

What is the ruling of Sharia on taking medications that restrain the appetite during the month of Ramadan?

Ruling on Observing Fast during Sha`baan

In Car Accidents, Diya Multiplies According to the Number of the Dead

Fasting without the Husband’s Permission Depends on its Type

Three Kinds of Hady in Hajj

There is no Harm on Offering the two Rak`ahs of Tawaaf at Hijir Ismail

Whoever Fasts Ramadan and Six Days of Shawwal Attains the Complete Reward

Ruling on Fasting the Six Days of Shawwaal before Making up for Missed Fasts

It is Prayed that whoever Serves the Prayer Performers Receives a Reward Equal to theirs