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Answers with Tag: Dhikr

As a convert with a Christian family, what are the rules for visiting them?

Is Oral Sex Halal or Haram?

In my mosque, the muezzin gives command after prayer when to say subhanallah, alhamdulillah and so on. And it is done after sunnah prayer. Is that practice OK? Also, many times they do it so fast that they finish with subhanallah or alhamdulillah and I did only half of it. So, I started to do dhikr after fard prayer by myself and it looks that they don’t like what I am doing. Please, advise me, can I do dhikr after fard prayer on my own, since I want to do it slowly and with the presence of the heart.

Is it Permissible to recite the Salawat known as Durud al-Taj?

The Fiqh of Insistence & Deeming Necessary, and Kissing Thumbs During Adhan

In a prayer schedule there is the time for Fajr and Shuruq. Shuruq time indicates the end of the Fajr prayer. Since we cannot pray immediately after Shuruq, when can we perform the Duha prayer? How many minutes after the Shuruq time in a prayer schedule can one pray Duha?

Reciting from a Copy of the Qur’an (Mushaf) inTarawih and other Prayers

Can you answer the questions below with regards to Hajj?

Have Salafis Taken over the Muslim World and Muslim Communities.

Teaching the Five Kalimas to the Children

Group Dhikr and recitation of Salat wa Salam.

Discourses in Masjids and Disturbing Others

The Night of 27th Rajab.

The Dhikr of Khatm al-Khawajgan.

Calling the Adhan Inside the Mosque Prayer Hall