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Answers with Tag: curse

Out of ignorance i used to pluck my eye brows. i did it for a long time and then i heard the hadith of nabi saw. now i cant stop doing it coz it looks terrible.

I always curse my kids for misbehaving will this spoil threi future plz help

Hamaza Yusuf & Bin Baaz labeled the Mujahidin as Kawarij. Are these two men Munafiqs? Can we curse them? www.fatwaonline.com www.masud.co.uk/sep11.htm

Plz tell me what you know about Moulana Mododi (India)?

Isit halal to put perfurme(sprays) instead of athar?

I have this really bad problem about masturbation. I just can’t stop. I stop for two weeks and I do it again.

When a husband calls his wife to bed, she must answer his call. Does she exercise the same right over her husband?

Fasting is recommended to avoid it. I committed a great sin. I masturbated during fasting. Is the fast broken ?

Sunni hanifi brother and will soon do nikah with a sunni hanafi girl, however she has shiia parents of the type who hate and curse some sahaba

My mom lets my younger sister go out to school football games and things like this often at night. When she goes, she wears shorts and t-shirts

Will I get Gunnah for not obeying my parents?

My question: Why are the Jews hated so much throughout the world? Can you link me a brief history of the Jews?

He is a sunni hanifi brother and will soon do nikah with a sunni hanafi girl, however she has shiia parents

If you are in love with this an she is in love with you isit permissible to ask Allah for us getting married?

What are the actual affects of watchin pornographic movies & pictures