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Answers with Tag: currency

Zakat – I am a student: do I have to pay zakat?

The Minimum Zakatable Amount (Nisab)

Tearing up money in jest

Zakat: How to Calculate & Whom to Give

Is It Permissible to Buy Shares of Gold ETFs?

Question: I want to know about the forex trading is it permissible in islam? nowadays many houses offer interest free account so is it permissible to trade in currency pair like we buy euro for dollars and later on sell them and make profit

Abu Dawud’s Hadith and Wilayat al-Ijbar

Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex)

(1) In Saudi Arabia, the notes currency has the kalima “La ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasoolallah” apears on the currency.

Currency for Commission

Can I get a bonus when sending money to India?

How should I handle my savings in India: sell, rent, or give to my kids?

What does my dream of my marhoom grand mother giving me foreign currency mean?

Is it permissible to buy foreign currency in credit?

Should I take loan back at current or past Omani Riyal rate?