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Answers with Tag: country

I said … riba is involved in schemmes like Al Burag, HSBC… they argued…why you eat chicken from shops, how do you know its halal?

I know that student loans are haram because you have to give interest even if it is at the rate of inflation it is still haram. But i only found out that it is haram after i got the loan,

My Husband and I have a very difficult relationship with his family. His Family moved to Pakistan 4 years ago, and think that my husband is wrong to continue living in a non-muslim country….My question is, is it haraam for us to continue to live in England?

Jazakallah for the detailed response, not sure if you read imam Awlaki’s thoughts on voting – obviously he directs it at a USA perspective, what

” Is the Imaam’s Niyaah for Prayer is correct?” Where the Imaam declares he performs Salah for the purpose of Allah and not for Money! Where as in reality he is taking salary………Is it not contradicting?

May I ask is it necessary to have a court marriage if one is not required? …What can one do to help speed the process of Marriage up

I am living with a non muslim family they sponsered me…and i am having problem cause they have a dog here and it keeps touchin me.

For US muslims as well as muslims around the world. Many a time by us voting, we are somewhat pledging our allegience and support to a leader & party…So by you voting for a party, you indirectly are supporting these concepts which could make you accountable for this haraam?

In my country,Bangladesh, we use to pray 4 rakat sunnah before jumma prayer (kablal jumma) and 4 rakat after ( ba’dal jumma ). When I visited Sudan, I found them performing nothing like these. Would you please tell me the status of these sunna

Please Clarify if the prophet (saw) wore a green turban or not!

Re: Muslim Marriage Contract …. Are Muslims under obligation to accept this condition when the judgement of the court is contrary to the Shariah?

I live in Bangladesh. In our country recently new group is working. who say democracy is haram in islam. becasue in our constitution it is written all power goes to the people.

I have heard of the Islamic ruling concerning slave women and concubines. I have heard that slave owners may have sexual intercourse with their female slaves, without marrying them.

Why some scholars says that pants and shirt wearing Haram? And whats rule of wearing cloths in islam?

One of my friend told me that : Migrate to Kuffar country is haram and Working in a kuffar country (which is not his home country) also haram since we are helping them to promote thier economy. Is it true?