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Answers with Tag: corruption

Does Neglecting the Prayer Entail Disbelief?

Dealing With Cultural Constraints on Marriage

Breaking Family Relations Due To Adulterous Acts

Are Corrupt Contracts Sinful?

Advising Someone to Get an Abortion as Part of My Job

A Detailed Exposition of the Fiqh of Covering One’s Nakedness (awra)

Question: Is it true that all Imams of the Muslims agree upon, that if someone does not pray continuously and fails to perform make up prayers, then he is a kafir even if the believes that the 5 prayers are compulsory? Also, if it’s true, why would someone who did not pray for 20 years or so, have to make them all up, if he was considered a kafir anyway? I ask, because there are fatawa, that suggest to make up all missed prayers for missed prayers, even if for many years. At what point does missing prayers shift from religious corruption to becoming kufr?  Are there clear cut definitions?

The Ruling on a Barrier Between Men and Women in the Masjid

Ruling on Girls Studying at Coed Schools of Medicine

Negligence after Ramadan

Joint Declaration on Syria by 107 Muslim Scholars from throughout the Arab World

Islam’s Relationship with Other Cultures

Islam: Religion of Sincerity and Well-Wishing

Islam Is a Religion of Compassion

Islam Forbids Extremism