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Answers with Tag: congregational prayer

Change of Qiblah from Jerusalem to Makkah

Lessons & Congregational prayer

Does an employer have to give time out for Muslim workers to pray at the mosque?

Sajdah Tilawa, Qada Salat

Reading prayer aloud to teach children

Discourse in Mosques

Women’s Congregational Prayer in the Hanafi School

Is prayer in congregation obligatory for men? What about the West, with mosques that are distan

Women’s Congregational Prayer

Praying in Congregation, Praying at the Mosque

Fiqh of Ta`awwudh, bismillah and amin; and laughter

A Child Leading Tarawih

Questions on Women’s Prayer: Women’s Congregational Prayer, Raising the Voice When Alon

Fajr and Tiredness – Question about prayers at the Masjid and praying in congregation

Congregational Prayer: A long question