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Answers with Tag: computer

I am a hanafi alhamdulillah. I have seen this fatwa of sheikh subayil on this website. I think its regarding accepting hanbali as a madhab of the imams of haramain.

Is it permissible to have quran recitation going on from the computer, when the family members of the house can talk, which conflicts with the recitation?

I am working in the company & i get free time to read quran sarif,so i have download quran sarif in my work computer …so my question is that may i read quran sarif with shoos to see in compurter with vudu & without vudu ?..please reply me as soon aspossible.

I was just wondering is it ok to read the quran online like an computer, ipods and such devices, i mean most of these stuff are usually used for alot of other things as well. i found

Arabic language

In reference to Fatwa # 17293 about smileys or emoticons…Arent emoticon bid’at

I jokingly said “Rest in peace” and made a cross on my chest, like Christians do.

Brother, I am a practicing Muslim. I have a Christian colleague and a few days ago, he said that his computer was dead, and I jokingly said “Rest in peace” and made a cross on my chest…

Can A Muslim Man Have a intimacy with a girl before marriage to show her that he love her.If NO can He Kiss her.And If no can he talk to her about the marriage and can he say that I LOVE YOU.

Suggestion / correction

Is it permissable to read quran off ones computer screen while not in the state of wudhu?

Can the fast of 15th of Sha’ban also be intended to make up for the fast of Ramadan one missed

1. What does Quran / Hadith say about performing Masah over socks. …2)Is it OK to read QURAN online (internet / PDF versions) ?

1) is it premissible to wax my chest?(male) 2) i heard that you should say bismillah before you do any work, is that true for even things as playing video games or going on the computer or watching tv? 3) i heard that listening to music is haraam? what type of music is it all types? also is it allowed to hear it if im jus going to the gym to work out?

Why do we refer Allah as HE, his etc since Allah is uncomparable to humans.?…..Jannat is indeed beautiful place to live and will have infinite bounties. jannat is described in quran and hadith..