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Answers with Tag: christians

Can non-Muslims enter Mecca and was Jawahar Lal Nehru allowed entry?

Is it permissible to eat at McDonald’s or Burger King according to Quran and Sunnah?

Is there a contradiction between Surah Al-Maida verse #3 and verse #5 regarding non-Zabihah food?

Is Shaykh Tantavi’s comment on the ban of hijab in France correct?

Did Al-Najashi convert to Islam during the Prophet’s lifetime and which book mentions it?

I have heard from many people that celebrating birthdays is wrong for Muslims as it is a practice that originated from the Christians and that we should not celebrate our birthdays. Is this true or not? Should I stop celebrating birthdays? I mean there’s no harm in it the way I see it unless we do anything un-Islamic or spend excessively can’t we cut a cake and feel happy and especially children look forward to their birthdays so much.

Eating with Non Muslims

Greeting non-Muslims with Salam

Helping Immigrants Flee Shariah Punishment

Marrying non-Muslims. The Legal Ruling

Burying Muslims Alongside non-Muslims

Marrying a Young Woman as a Second Wife

I understand that kosher meant is halal; but, in Toronto, where I live, it would be close to naive to think that a majority of Jews actually believe in God anymore. Could I eat the meat of person who says the name of Allah, but denies the Qur’an’s authenticity? Likewise could I eat the meat of a Jew or Christian who denies the existence of God, which a great number do?

I want to ask, respected Shaykh, Is the playing of sports such as Rugby League or American football permissible in Islam?

What do the Scholars Say About Imam Ibn Taymiyya?