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Answers with Tag: carpet

If dry semen is scratched by foot then without cleaning the foot if I walk on the carpet will the carpet become impure

Would the carpet become impure if wet impurity transfers to it

Walking with wet slippers made out of pig leather and then walking on the carpet

How do I purify my clothes from prostatic fluid?

Is It Valid to Prostrate on a Soft Carpet?

Partnership Dispute.

What do I have to do if impurity falls on food or in water?

Cat’s Vomit

I’tikaaf related issues

Pigskin shoes with wet feet

What is the ruling of taking pictures?

Cleaning najasat

Paint brushes made out of boar bristles being used in the Masjid

Reading Salaah Wearing Shoes

Praying salaah with shoes on and making masah on socks